We believe that when you create a space that gives people a chance to feel seen, heard, and understood, big things are possible.


– Why US? Why Now?


We value the commitment to family, local community and our nation


Reclaim what’s important 

As news reports focus on the extreme ends of our society and political tensions grow day by day, it’s more important than ever to reinforce the bonds that have always united us.


Together is better

We set out to establish an alternative way of relating to one another — one that focuses on what we can do together to be leaders in our society in this challenging time.


– Doing the Work


We hope to bridge the divides that exist in our nation


It’s not enough to rely on our elected leaders to create the change we need. It's up to all of us to listen, discuss, and act thoughtfully with one another — even when we disagree. When we do, we can rebuild the center of our nation and strengthen the values we all hold dear.


– The Company We Keep

Building the future can’t be done alone


When it comes to the business of building the future, we know we can’t do it alone. In addition to conversation starters like you, we’re partnering with religious organizations of all kinds, political affiliates on all sides, and like-minded non-profits — all who are invested in our shared future.


– Meet the Founders

Concerned citizens from different walks of life


Our leadership team is made up of people from different walks of life that share a commitment to listening, supporting communities, and cultivating a deeper understanding. They began this effort, not as an academic pursuit, but rather from a place of courage, hoping to bridge the divides that exist in our nation.